
Breast Augmentation and Pectus Excavatum

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16 October 2014

Breast Augmentation and Pectus Excavatum

Breast Augmentation
in a woman with Pectus Excavatum can produce wonderful results, when the surgery is carefully planned in advance.  Pectus Excavatum can be symmetric or asymmetric;  naturally, the more asymmetry you have, the more difficult it will be to give you great results.  But even in the most severe cases, a good result is possible when attentive measurements are made and the right plan is chosen.

There is always an upside to Breast Augmentation, and in the case of Pectus Excavatum, it is that you will have a very prominent and noticeable cleavage which is the result that a lot of women desire but not always achieve.

If you have a Pectus Excavatum, you need to understand the limitations of what can be done.  Schedule your consultation with us to learn about what Dr. Jugenburg will be able to achieve for you.

Learn more about how a breast augmentation can affect cleavage here.


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