Cheek Implant Surgery

Everybody wants to have a face that is full of youth and vitality, and there is nothing that adds vitality to a face quite like prominent cheekbones and plump, healthy cheeks.  High cheekbones are a universal sign of beauty for both women and men, but not everybody is blessed with defined cheekbones from birth. With the use of advanced surgical procedures Dr. Jugenburg has been able to provide his patients with the perfectly sculpted face that they have always dreamed about.

Cheek implants surgery can completely transform a face that has flat cheeks or cheekbones that do not stand out. If you have ever felt unconfident because of the flatness of your cheeks, Dr. Jugenburg can completely transform the structure of your face with this pioneering surgery. The results will be completely natural looking – resulting in improved facial harmony that makes you feel far more confident about your appearance.

Often performed in tandem with chin implant surgery, Dr. Jugenburg is not only capable of working on the problem areas of your face to create an improved facial contour, he can lend his artistry to transform your facial structure.

Am I a suitable candidate for cheek enhancement?

Are the flatness of your cheeks making your face look drawn and aged before its time? Perhaps you feel that with more prominent cheekbones you would achieve improved facial harmony? If this is the case, you could be an ideal candidate for cheek implants surgery. Dr. Jugenburg has created improved facial contours for patients both young and old that wish to add greater definition to their cheekbones.

Am I a better candidate for cheek implants or fat grafting?

For patients who are unhappy with the current size and definition of their cheeks, but do not want facial implants, fat grafting could be an effective surgical solution as long as you have enough excess fat that can be removed from other areas and applied to the cheeks. For patients without excess fat, cheek implants would be a more suitable solution for creating an improved facial contour.

How should I prepare for my cheek enhancement surgery?

If you are a smoker, you will be required to stop smoking 2 weeks before cheek augmentation surgery. Two weeks prior to surgery you will also be required to stop taking any medications and supplements that can thin out the blood and cause complications during surgery. Dr. Jugenburg will be able to advise as to which medications you will need to stop taking.

What happens in the operating room?

During this procedure you will be placed under general anesthesia and incisions will be made on the inside of your mouth. Soft synthetic implants will then be placed into the cheek area in order to create an improved facial contour. The incisions will be closed with dissolvable sutures and the whole procedure should take no longer than 2 hours to complete.

What is the recovery process after cheek implants surgery?

After cheek implants surgery, you will experience some swelling and bruising for around 1-2 weeks. During this period you should abstain from any lifting and bending, and you should try to keep your head elevated in order to minimize the swelling. You will need to avoid consuming dairy products during this time, and you should not brush your teeth for 3 days following your surgery. Dr. Jugenburg will provide you with an oral rinse that will ensure that the operated area is kept clean, minimizing the risk of infection. You should be able to return to work 1-2 weeks following surgery.

Will my new cheeks look natural?

Dr. Jugenburg uses a type of soft synthetic implant that ensures that your new cheekbones look completely natural.

Will I have any scarring?

As the incisions are made on the inside of your mouth, you will have no visible scarring, and your face will have a completely natural appearance.

Are there any complications associated with cheek implant surgery?

As with all cosmetic surgery procedures, there are some risks associated with cheek enhancements. Potential risks include infection, formation of fluid beneath the skin, migration of implants, and numbness. Dr. Jugenburg is a highly skilled and experienced cheek implants surgeon who insists on best practices within the clinic to ensure that any chance of risk is minimal. Dr. Jugenburg is very knowledgeable about facial anatomy and will do all that he can to minimize complications during and after surgery.


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