Plastic Surgery

How to Tighten Face Skin? Anti-Aging Products, Injectables or Surgery

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14 July 2022

How to Tighten Face Skin? Anti-Aging Products, Injectables or Surgery

As a person ages, the delicate skin on their face changes drastically. Google searches for “Tighten face skin” “how to get rid of wrinkles” and “best creams for wrinkles” gain popularity as people scramble to turn back the clock. 

What Causes Facial Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are caused by the gradual decrease in collagen and elasticity of the skin tissue as we age. Essentially, as we age the skin becomes less elastic and less resilient to stretching. This happens as a result of age, gravity, sun exposure, smoking, lack of sleep, and poor health choices. 

The good thing is, there are ways to reverse the signs of ageing. While few quick solutions offer the drastic long term results people are looking for, they are proven to make even a little difference in erasing fine lines and wrinkles.

So, How To Tighten Face Skin?

1. Drinking Water

Imagine your skin as a raisin, which is simply a dehydrated grape. Grapes are plump and smooth, but through the process of dehydration they become puckered and wrinkly. This is also true of your skin. Maintaining your hydration is key to preventing wrinkles and maintaining tight skin in the first place. Water is essential for many aspects of your health, from organ function to mental clarity, but it also assists with aesthetic purposes like skin clarity and elasticity. Similar to how you can rehydrate a grape in a cup of water, it is possible to improve the appearance of your skin by becoming more hydrated. That being said, a raisin will never return to the exact same condition as a grape – so manage your expectations accordingly.

The downsides: You won’t notice drastic changes in your fine lines and wrinkles with water alone unless your body is extremely dehydrated. 

2. Anti-Aging Products

Drugstore shelves are lined with miracle creams that promise to reverse the signs of ageing and revitalize your skin. But do any of them actually work? The short answer is yes, but it is important to remain skeptical of the claims. The bottom line is, using any cream or serum on your face will prevent drying, cracking, and wrinkling by adding a layer of lubrication that protects skin. That being said, there are some products that do an exceptional job, while others should be avoided if you want to save yourself some time and money.

Dr. Jugenburg recommends skincare products that have been clinically tested by experts in the skincare industry over drugstore products made mostly of water. The SixSurgery Clinic’s injection wing, Skinjectables, offers high quality, dermatologist recommended brands like Viver and Skinceuticals. Their range of cleansers, moisturizers and serums are essential to protecting your skin from daily toxins and environmental factors. 

The downsides: It is more important to use high quality products before you notice extreme signs of aging so that you can combat and prevent wrinkles, but with regular use you will notice a slight difference in existing lines. Skincare cannot give you surgical results.

3. Injectables

Injectables like Botox and filler are a surefire way to lift, sculpt, and firm the face, without undergoing major surgery. And while they are one of the most popular ways to create a more youthful appearance, they are also very misunderstood. So what is the difference between Botox and filler, and how can they help you?

Botox is the trademarked name for the injectable substance used to smooth lines and wrinkles. The solution is injected into the skin, blocking the signal that tells the muscles to contract, causing them to relax. This treatment can be used for more than just wrinkles! Botox has been used to stop hyperhidrosis, TMJ pain, and migraines. To tighten the appearance of skin, Botox would be injected into areas like crows feet, forehead lines, and in between the brows.

Filler is used to add volume to the face in areas like the lips, cheeks, chin, and even to create the appearance of a straight nose. Filler doesn’t necessarily tighten the skin, but it can help to create a more youthful appearance, as loss of volume and hollowing are some of the telltale signs of ageing.

When it comes to injections, it is crucial that you choose a reputable Nurse Injector who is supervised by a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. This is the best way to ensure that you get top quality results, resulting in an ageless complexion that doesn’t look overdone or scary. Other great things to remember: you get what you pay for, and less is always more!

The downsides: These injectable alterations don’t last forever. Typically Botox will wear off in 3-6 months. Filler will need to be topped up every 6-12 months. If you are in need of constant injections, it can get expensive.

4. Surgery

A surgical procedure like a Face Lift, Blepharoplasty, or Brow Lift is by far the most effective way to tighten the skin on one’s face, creating a more youthful appearance by removing excess skin to smooth out wrinkles. Each of these procedures are minimally invasive, and are typically performed under only a local anaesthesia (though general is a possibility).

A facelift is the largest of the 3 procedures, which tightens most of the skin on the face. A discrete incision is made along the hairline, behind the ears. The surgeon will carefully raise the skin from the lower face and neck area, and use liposuction and fat grafting to improve the contours of the face as needed. The underlying layers of facial muscles, also known as the SMAS, are then tightened. Following this the skin is carefully made more taught, and excess skin is removed, then meticulously sutured in place.

A blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid. An upper blepharoplasty involves creating a more defined lid by creating an incision along the crease, and removing excess. A lower blepharoplasty is similar, but more commonly involves the removal of fat from the under-eye to reduce the appearance of puffy, sagging under eyes. 

A forehead lift addresses the appearance of horizontal forehead wrinkles that become more common as we age. For his procedure, a discrete incision is made along the hairline, and the forehead skin is carefully lifted and pulled taut. The excess skin is then removed and the skin is sutured.

 A Facelift should always be performed by a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who studied the art of Facial Cosmetic Surgery. These procedures are so delicate, they require very fine tuned adjustments in order to achieve ideal results. 

The downsides: These are serious surgical procedures that cannot be taken lightly. Undergoing surgery requires research, commitment and the ability to follow all post operative instructions like time off of work and follow-up appointments.

At the end of the day, ageing is inevitable, sagging skin and wrinkles will happen to everyone. When it comes to reversing the signs of ageing, there aren’t too many shortcuts. Hydration is key to preventing wrinkles, but once you have sagging skin a couple extra glasses of water won’t do the heavy lifting. High quality skincare is another great way to tighten the skin, but it cannot create a drastic transformation. Injectables can do wonders for fine lines, and are the perfect way to prevent, and reverse the signs of ageing with additional volume and tightness. 

The only option that offers long lasting, drastic results is surgery. With face lifts, blepharoplasties, and forehead lifts, you are able to achieve results that will take your skin back decades. If you are considering the surgical route, ensure that you have a surgeon that you can trust with something that important as your beautiful face!


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